Common Problems & Procedures of Throat

- Thyroid Swelling
- Tonsillitis/ Adenoid
- Hoarseness of voice/ change of voice
- Difficulty in swallowing
- Oral cancer
- Throat cancer
- Tonsillitis and adenoid treatment (Tonsillectomy, Adenoidectomy, and Coblation Assisted Surgeries )
- Thyroid surgery
- Vocal cord (voice) surgery (Microlaryngeal surgery)
- Head and neck cancer surgery
- Tongue-tie operation
- Palate surgery
- Swallowing Surgeries ( difficulty in swallowing)
To remove tonsils if there are recurrent infections. It is done either conventionally or with the help of co-ablation.
The lymphoid tissue behind the nose gets enlarged leading to recurrent cold, mouth breathing, snoring, etc, mostly affects the kids. Co ablation-assisted adenoidectomy is done and under vision vis-à-vis conventional method.
Microlaryngoscopy / Videolaryngoscopy
Surgery done on the vocal folds, with the help of Microlaryngoscope or Videolaryngoscope. They are done for benign lesions well as early glottic cancers. Laser or coablation can also be used for surgeries.
Surgeries for Dysphagia
Swallowing issues are the most neglected issues. Surgical treatment for swallowing is needed if swallowing therapy, small procedures like Botox don’t work. Cricopharyngeal myotomy, diverticulectomy are the common surgeries done in dysphagia.